Britain's Biggest Bingo site

Meet the tombola bugs.... B!

The self-proclaimed former Queen Bee of the jungle, B! creates a buzz every time she floats into the room. Although never one to shy away from an adventure, B! is the diva of the group. She has a list of demands as long as her antennas. If she ever finds herself in a sticky situation, she knows she can wing her way out of it with her snappy comebacks and quips.

Favourite band: Forget about bands, B! only has time for the other Queen B in her life... Beyonce!

Favourite tombola game: There's no place B! would rather bee on tombola than at the seaside in our shutter board bingo game bingo80.

Did you know? B! once took part in a 24-hour sponsored silence but only lasted 17 seconds.

Buzzing about meeting our Queen B?! Make sure to keep on the lookout for B! and the other tombola bugs during this year's I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!

Meet the rest of the tombola jungle team

Queen B not your cup of tea? Fear not! Click the icons below to meet the rest of our tombola bug squad.